Shared Service And Outsourcing

  1. Why outsourcing
  2. Burgeoning cost pressures and the increasing need for risk and compliance management, efficient processes and a closer alignment with business objectives are driving organizations toward operating models that focus on both agility and controls. In the present challenging global marketplace, companies are looking at their finance function for providing insights that will help them achieve in improvising business performance.

    Moreover, businesses are also witnessing an exponential growth in the volume of data. With shorter decision cycles, lesser time to market and stiff competition, companies are looking for ways to make data-driven decisions. Both structured and unstructured data from organization-wide systems and process along-with information from external sources like market and social media, are raising challenges in gathering, managing, analyzing, and delivering objective insights to businesses. Organizations are partnering with specialized research and analytic vendors who can help them build successful business strategies by providing data-driven insights that can help businesses, analyze the present business environment while predicting trends.

  3. Benefits from outsourcing
    • Focus on Core activities: Growth brings with itself increased back office work which consumes both human and financial resources of the Company at the cost of core activities that have lead the Company to success. By outsourcing back office functions, the business frees up important time that can be used for betterment of the business.
    • Cost effectiveness: Outsourcing reduces manpower cost of the organization, since need to hire full time resources for back end functions will not exist and thereby contributing to the profitability of the organization
    • Efficiency of work: Outsourcing non-core functions to a team of experts in the field of finance and accounting ensures better efficiencies, accuracy and assurance because such experts, with their expertise knowledge and experience, manage none-core functions more efficiently and provide better solutions wherever required.
    • Timely compliance reporting and management: With the growing regulatory surveillance on businesses across the globe, timely compliance and reporting is becoming a challenge for various organizations. Businesses waste precious time which can fruitfully be used for upliftment of business. By outsourcing such non-core functions, the organizations can achieve timely and accurate filling of compliances.
    • Staffing Flexibility: Outsourcing provides elasticity to the businesses to engage resources with different skill set as per requirement considering seasonality of a particular operation of the Company instead of engaging all of them full time.
    • Continuity and Risk Management: Employee turnover adds to uncertainty and inconsistency in the operations. Outsourcing provides a level of assurance on continuity of the business and at the same time reduces risk of substandard level of operations which would be detrimental its interest.
  4. Our Services
    • Finance and Accounting
    • Date entry services
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